Upgrade the entire system online via apt

Please make sure that your network environment can connect to the apt server.

Use the following command to get the apt server package list

# apt-get update

1-1. Upgrade the moxa base-system package

There is a moxa '<product>-base-system' package, which depends on all moxa basic and enssential packages. Please upgrade this package in the system first. You can refer to the following command to install the software package.

# apt-get install <product>-base-system

Take the uc3100 series as an example:


# apt-get install uc3100-base-system

The installation of base-system includes moxa lib, tools, kernel, modules etc... After installing moxa base-system package, please reboot the device.

# reboot

1-2. Upgrade debian packages

To fetch the latest debian packages, please using the following command to upgrade.

# apt-get upgrade